My mother loves farming. She even plans on doing farming when she retires. Because of this, I have become accustomed to the intricate work of plants. Two of these plant technologies are Vertical Farming and Aquaponics. This post features what these are and their benefits.
Vertical Farming is when plants are grown in vertically stacked layers. It doesn’t need soil and can optimize plant growth. In one model of structures used, the plants reach out from tiny compartments around a cylinder and are watered with one tube. This practice also uses
Aquaponics, where organism is used to sustain each other. It works when fish live in nutrient rich water, which is perfect for plants to grow. In some cases, the plants can also be used to raise fish. These practices help villages provide food and earn money.
The benefits of these practices are amazing. In vertical farming, space is saved while creating way more food than traditional farming. Paired with other practices such as aquaponics, farms can use organisms to help plants grow better.
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Hello, It was nice to read this article on farming and aqua ponics.