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Up and ready: The space elevator

Que the crazy intros!! Hi everybody with this black hole of a post (excuse me with my puns) I need to get out a message to you. Lately I been super busy with schoolwork; so to make it up to you; I want to make two post this week. Wow! that was a long sentence. Lets start.

What is a space elevator?: Just one thing, how would it work

Float with me: I heard you want the facts, about the space elevator. Well, at the top of the elevator, a counterweight will serve to keep the cable tight. Centrifugal force* will actually be responsible for holding the tether in space as the Earth rotates slowly.

Is it even possibile?: Real Engineering takes a look at the feasibility (It means how easy it is to build) of space elevators, and the short answer is, yes it can be done. It is mainly a materialic challenge; namely, a tensile strength challenge for the cable that engineers would need to solve.

Is your space cap on?: (Its on? Ok great.) Any space elevator would have to be smack dap on the equator, and we would first need to build a structure in geosynchronous orbit at the equator at 42,168 km directly above the earth tether site.

Then comes the tough part. Steel won't cut it for the cable.

If that can get solved, a space elevator will be a great step in sustainable space travel that would make rocket travel look as easy and effortless as cargo ships with smokestacks belching up into the sky.

*Listen up close: Centripetal force is defined as, "the force that is necessary to keep an object moving in a curved path and that is directed inward toward the center of rotation," while centrifugal force is defined as "the apparent force that is felt by an object moving in a curved path that acts outwardly away from the center of rotation.

One qustion, if it did happen, what tunes would you dance to. (Thank you for waiting so long, well one last thing to say, stay beyond the limit!!!!! Bye!


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Sep 17, 2020

Hi Abg7,

Excellent post as always! Can you please write up about Twin paradox part two as well?

Thank you,



Sep 16, 2020

Hi! I think that number three is amazing just like you.

Edit: Hehe, I think that's funny, but make sure you have completed your work! I don't want to be boring though!! 😁😄


Sep 16, 2020

Hey Abby! While I haven't been commenting much I have been reading and it's amazing! Keep up the good work! Also I'd like to see you do #3 from your comment. -Sincerely Me Edit: Don't tell but I snuck this in during classes so yeah. Shhhhhh


Sep 16, 2020

Hi everybody, before I make a another post, I just want to thank my friends and family for supporting me every single step of the way. Oh yeah, and I wanted to ask what do you want next?

  1. Twin paradox part two 2. astronaut meet and greet 3. Dark enery and dark matter

Stay beyond the limit! -Abigail-

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