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Twin paradox: prt 2

Why did the twin paradox go across the galaxy? To get to the same ship! Well, these intros are never going to end. Oh well. Hi everybody!! Looks like I got so many votes, so lets go!!

The graph: The graph/diagram below is what mathematically speaking, what we will do. READY??? Great. First, we need to understand why this graph is needed. I put it there so you can refer to it. Oh yes and thank you to @untiuni for starting the twin paradox 2 voting. (Oh yes. the imange is above the info, so you can scroll up to completely understand.

Summer: The x axis marks the distance from earth, and the y axis marks the passage of time. From Summer's perceptive, her journey will just be a straight line; which is a distance of zero; and each tick on the graph is a year as she perceives it. (Remember, Summer is the twin who stays on earth.)

Stella: Stella's path will stretch from the same origin point 11.5 years in time, and ten light years in distance from Summer. Right before converging again at zero after 23 years.

Hi from space, Summer!: After around a year, Summer will send pulse of light headed toward Stella's ship. Since it takes one year for light to travel, the lights path will be 45 degrees in a diagonal line. So by the time Stella has got the message, over 7 years would have passed for summer, and only 4 for Stella.

Bursts of light: By the time Stella has received Summers second burst of light, She will already be on her way back home. But now that she is moving closer to where the light has been sent, it will take less time to reach her. So, she will get bursts of light way more often. This means Summer senses Stella aging slower than her. But only for the first half, then for the second half, she is aging rapidly.

Meanwhile: For Stella, she senses the universe moving around her. This is amazing. Plus because of length contraction, Stella observes the distance between the twins shrinking by two. This means, each leg of the trip will only take about 6 years from Stella's prospective.

Flashback: Backwards, when Stella sends a message, two year would have passed for Summer. In total, Stella would have set 5 burst throughout her journey. By the time Summer gets Stella's burst of light, 21 years would have passed for her. On the way home, Summer will get multiple bursts each year.

Numbers Numbers, what to do?: Summer sees Stella aging slowly for about 90% of their 23 years apart. And then aging rapidly for the other 10% of the journey. This lack of balance accounts for why this isn't really a paradox.

The webs we weave: Although each twin experiences time differently, both speeding up and slowing down at different times. Stella sees an event split, Where Summer sees Stella aging slower; for 90% percent of the time they are apart; which only takes eleven point five years aboard the ship; and twenty three years on earth.

Oh Golly we did it!: Space squad we did it!!! Stella is 35 and summer is 43. Looks like Summer was right!! This post took me an hour to make but only two minutes for you. Enjoy!! I am glad to say you are now a twin paradox member! Give yourself a pat on the back!!


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Sep 30, 2020


Had to go read part 1 to understand this post. It is well written and explained to grasp the concept. Thanks



Sep 29, 2020

UPDATE: Hi everybody, I think that doing a moon base post is going to fun, like if you agree. Maybe I can do some more equation understanding next week!! OK, so let's get up to up to 20 likes! You can like the post this Wednesday or the comment under it. I need to find out how to make a voting poll.

Stay beyond the limit! -Abigail- 🎉❤️🌟💫


Sep 29, 2020

Hi, Took me a while to go through it and understand, finally got it and was fun. Thnx



Sep 24, 2020

Hi Abby,

Thank you for the article, it was a lot to process but excellent read, i enjoyed it



Sep 23, 2020

Hello Abg7,

Wow, that was a long and complex article but well worth the read. Thank you for your time and efforts.


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