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The Case About Going To Space

Hello everybody! Before we begin, note that (starting from the vertical farming post) are all going to be related to one topic, so stay tuned for that! (NOTE: These are not the only health risks!)


Bone loss for astronauts is common throughout their voyage in the cosmos. On average, astronauts lose about 1% to 2% of bone mass. This isn’t a problem for short travel. Because of this, astronauts need to do weight-bearing exercises such as running, walking, or baseball. (there’s more, of course) But it’s hard to do that in a weightless environment. Astronauts have solved this problem by using straps and treadmills to keep healthy.

Decompression Sickness is simply decreased pressure around the area the subject stays in. This usually happens with air or water. With astronauts going on spacewalks, denitrogenating occurs. Astronauts train underwater to train their joints for conditions in space.

Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen in tissues. It can happen because of low oxygen levels and or low blood supply. Symptoms include confusion and quick breathing. For astronauts to alert others if they are sick, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has made sensors that will aggressively shake if there are fatally low levels of oxygen.

That’s it for this post! I’ll be posting a few more posts before revealing the topic all of these connect to.


Stay beyond the limit!


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1 Comment

Mar 20, 2022

😀 Hope you enjoyed today's post!

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