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  • Writer's pictureabg7

Strange Matter: Like nothing before!

Neutron stars are the heaviest things in the universe other than black holes. In their cores, we might find the most dangerous substance we have ever discovered. Strange matter, it bends the laws of physics. Lets look at this stuff and see what we can find.

What is a neutron star?: basically a neutron star is the remains of a supper massive star that died in a super nova. Its particles fight against gravity. If it wins, it comes here. Its so pressurized that it squeezes atoms to bits. All the empty space is pushed together. These really don't want to be together. These merge and become strange matter.

Quarks 101: But lets not get ahead of our-self. We need to learn the rules before we learn how they are broken. The nuclei that make up everything are made of smaller things. Protons and neutrons. Quarks really doesn't like to be alone. Quarks have only been observed as something else because they are the building blocks of the universe. Inside these stars, its like the beginning of the universe.

Rules that are broken: Inside neutron stars, the protons and neutrons become a Quarks bath.

this is Quark matter. This is a Quark star. It can look like a neutron star from the outside. Now lets talk about the most dangerous things in the universe, strange matter.

Rules that are broken part 2: If the conditions are just right, then it gets stranger, literally. Some of the Quarks inside a neutron star becomes strange Quarks. These can make strange matter. The ideal state for matter. Its so stable that it can exist outside these stars. however, any matter that it touches may be so impressed that it makes itself strange matter. Last sentence. This may sound scary but we are a-okay


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5 commentaires

10 juin 2020

Dear Jacob,

Warp speed travel sounds amazing!. I will do a post on this interesting topic!


08 juin 2020

Hi Abg,

Well thought and written article, I liked it very much, thank you.

Can you please write up on warp speed travel ? Will it be possible, perhaps in the future? I am sure, it will be super exciting if it possible in the future.



03 juin 2020

Hi Abby!

This was a really great post you made. I think it is the post with the longest description so far, and I like that. Keep up the good work.




03 juin 2020

Hello Abby,

Nice article on Neutron stars, thank you for sharing.



03 juin 2020

Hello Abg7,

I was looking forward to your latest article and this was an excellent read.



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