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Movin across town: The stellar engine

Hello everybody and welcome back to the universe blog! Today we are gonna make some DIY again. Get out your rocket ships, because were going to town!

Space is very dangerous, right? Yes. It is. In fact, its likely that something would be coming toward right now! We would be able to detect this millions of years before, but there would be nothing we could do. Still don't get it? Well imagine skating with me around. You would probably break a leg. Ok fine. A better example. Imagine skating with drunk toddlers.

This seems scary yes, but there is something we can do! We can move the sun! Don't worry about the other planets because they will follow the sun with its gravity. The two (there are many but these are the ones I like.) I plan on building are the Shkadov Thruster, (yes, I spelt it right (hopefully) okay?) and the Caplan Thruster. I think that I will start with the Skadov Thurster.

First we need a mirror. Hold on let me ask my mom if I can borrow hers. Good, we can, and well, that's all we need. Yes! But how are gonna shape it? Before I start with this, lets discuss something important. This thruster works with the same principals as a rocket. But how are we gonna move it? There are things called photons. Like rocket fuel, they release energy, making power. We need A LOT of these to get moving.

Don't worry about that, because well, the sun releases 10 to fourth fifth power per second. I think we're good here. If you want a smaller example, take an astronaut in space. If they shine a flashlight in space, it will slowly move them backwards! Awesome! Now lets talk about the shape. It needs to be a circle, because otherwise too much power will be on the sun and then it may go....

Okay, so I have A LOT to say, but I tend to keep my posts short and sweet, so lets go talk about the Chaplin sphere! It works with a Dyson sphere (go check out my blog for that)

getting so much power for the sun, that it shoots it in a different direction. The other example can only go side ways, so yeah.

That's it. I need to go work on a project with my partner. Stay beyond the limit, Abgm, Out.

CREDIT: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell


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2021년 1월 29일

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