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Glow in the dark sta- MOON!

Hello, Hello, Hello, I am not going to waste my time on an intro. Europa is the moon, lets go!

Crazy radiation from the giant planet Jupiter causes the night side of its moon Europa to glow in the dark. A phenomenon that could help scientists learn if it can host Aliens, (Ok fine, simple forms of life,) according to a new study.

And yes, telescopes haven’t yet seen the glow, the possibility that Europa glows in the dark could be verified by two probes that will study the moon in the coming years.

The researchers built a below-freezing “ice chamber” at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, to contain the chemicals thought to be on Europa’s icy surface and exposed it to a beam of high-energy electrons to simulate the radiation from Jupiter.

La Quote: “We saw that whenever we shot it with the electron beam, it glowed,” Murthy Gudipati, an astrophysicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the lead author of the study, said. “And when the electrons were switched off, the glow went off.”

Europa Clipper project scientist Bob Pappalardo, a planetary geologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said the probe’s main purpose will be to confirm Europa’s subsurface ocean and assess the chances that microbes could live there.

Some more: But the radiation that makes life more likely on Europa could also harm Europa Clipper, which means the probe will only dive close enough – between 15 and 60 miles above its surface – for brief periods and spend most of its orbit much further away.

La Quote: “We call it a toe-dip,” Pappalardo said. “It’s like running down and sticking your toe in the water, and then running away because it’s cold.

Summary: tense radiation from the giant planet Jupiter causes the night side of its moon Europa to visibly glow in the dark. The probe’s main purpose will be to confirm Europa’s subsurface ocean and assess the chances that microbes could live there. But the radiation that makes life more likely on Europa could also harm Europa Clipper, which means the probe will only dive close enough – between 15 and 60 miles above its surface 


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Nov 17, 2020

Hi Abg,

As always nice article. Next time can you please write about Osiris that landed on the asteroid? Thank you.



Nov 09, 2020

Hello there! Here is another post! I am reporting on breaking news, so if you want to see anything else, just tell me.

-Stay beyond the limit- Abigail

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