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Fermi paradox: Did I spell it wrong?

Hello everybody! I sort of like the bold font for this special post. Listen to me. I had some problems with the website, so I could not post it sooner.

Let me give you some information about this paradox. First, the main topic of this paradox is covering where the aliens are. There are so many planets, that I probably can’t even contain it in the post. Anyways, lets begin.

Getting to the point: To be spotted, they need a footprint. Even if they got to space a little, we would be able to track them. So where are they? I just got done saying that there are so many planets to become home. Well, that’s the paradox. To do this, we need types. Read the next paragraphs to find out.

Type one: A type one civilization is one that has control out of the whole planet's resources. We will be type one in a few hundred years. For number fans, about 0.73 from my sources.

Type two: A type two civilization is one that has control of their galaxy. We are not even close to this. Maybe there is an alien species that is type two. Do you think? Comment below.

Type three: A type Three civilization is one that has control over the universe. Well, sort of. To us, they would be real life gods and goddesses. Let’s think, we think it’s fun when otters break clams on their bellies. Well, they might think some of our things are silly.

Where: Hmm…. I think that they are all over the place, but we are just getting to the point where they can go in a few seconds. Did you know that people have found a habitable close to us. I mean, unless you think a few million light years is short.

Summary: ok, so we learned that we are a zero point seven on the scale, and that there can be others like us, and smarter than us. We learned that I took a break from my puns.

Till next time!: hope you guys had fun. Next week I will cover more on this topic. Hope you are not too annoyed with the two partners and other than that, bye, stay beyond the limit!!!!!!


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Oct 21, 2020

Hello Abby,

This was another nice article that I enjoyed reading very much. I think it will fun and scary if we find out there are other intelligent beings out there.



Oct 20, 2020

Hi Abg,

Good topic, I liked it very much. I think there could be advanced civilizations and maybe we will find out in a few hundred years.



Oct 19, 2020

Great posts Abby, I hope you keep this up.



Oct 19, 2020

Oh, thank you for the feedback. I will try to make my posts a little longer. I enjoy responding to your comments. Every single comment. At this rate, this blog will be famous! Thank you.

Stay beyond the limit!! -Abigail-


Gracie Pereira
Gracie Pereira
Oct 19, 2020

Hello there! I love your posts! I think one of the things you should do is make your posts longer!

Thank you, Gracie

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