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  • Writer's pictureabg7

Anti-Matter ◉_◉

Welcome everybody to the new post of the universe blog! I was meant to post this a week ago, however the second I was about to click ‘post’ wix exed out of my site, and then said ‘sorry, we are having some problems here.’ I should have typed the whole thing in a google doc, but it's my mistake.

Back to what I wanted to say, this series of posts features a wide take of topics about matter, but the way we learn is different from most. Today, I am going to take some information from the wiki, (you don't need to read it when I copy and paste it.) and then break it down with different sources.

Passage One: What is antimatter?

The wiki says that “antimatter is defined as matter that is composed of the antiparticles (or "partners") of the corresponding particles of "ordinary" matter. Minuscule numbers of antiparticles are generated daily at particle accelerators—total production has been only a few nanograms[1] (ng)—and in natural processes like cosmic ray collisions and some types of radioactive decay, but only a tiny fraction of these have successfully been bound together in experiments to form anti-atoms.”

I literally didn't even read that. Anyways, what this is probably saying is that antimatter is the exact same as normal matter, but the exact same! Let's put this into perspective. You owe somebody ten dollars. Then, you earn ten dollars. If you give that person that ten dollars, you know you have no money, but you don’t owe that person anything.

“Wait What does that need to do with antimatter?” Well, the money is not my point, but instead the fact of the tens. They are the exact same, but instead have something as the opposite. This is kind of what antimatter is.

Passage Two: Where is it found? What does it do?

It's not completely clear where antimatter is found, because in theory, anti-matter should be evenly spread across the universe just like matter. But it's not. NASA is trying to find out where though.


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Jun 18, 2021

Hello Abg,

As always I enjoy reading your post, keep it up! 🏆



Jun 15, 2021

Hope you guys enjoyed this post!!!!!

- stay beyond the limit -

Jun 16, 2021
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Great job!

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